The “We” in WeRobotics: Our 2024 In-Person Retreat
October 30th, 2024

Remote work has become the norm for many organizations over the past few years, especially those with global operations. It is easier now than ever before for teams spread across countries and time zones to collaborate effectively using a suite of tools that make virtual connection almost effortless. With a global team and a fully remote set-up, WeRobotics uses several of these tools to cultivate effective collaboration and deep connection among our team members. We are proof that building a resilient, well-bonded team does not require working in the same geographical location. And because of this set-up we appreciate it even more when the opportunity arises to come together physically, such as during our in-person retreat this past September. A few of us get to meet from time to time during regional conferences, regional Flying Labs Network retreats, and other occasions, but the whole team coming together in one place for a few days happens only every three to four years, so when it does, it’s a rare treat.
For some of our newer team members, this retreat was the first time they met most of their colleagues in person. It was testament to our communication practices and camaraderie that even these first in-person meetings carried none of the social difficulties that often come with meeting new people. The retreat therefore offered not the chance to get to know each other but the chance to deepen our relationships with each other.
While it is common in the modern workplace to delineate a clear boundary between personal and professional life, many cultures view these as intertwined. For teams like ours, made up of people from diverse cultural backgrounds, our face-to-face interactions during the retreat were a gift. One of the highlights of the retreat was the simple sharing of food and laughter. Breaking bread together is symbolic of friendship and trust, and in different cultures it is often a prerequisite to building a healthy working relationship. These moments allowed us to build a sense of closeness beyond our day-to-day collaboration.
We valued the chance to observe each other’s idiosyncrasies, not just as co-workers but as people with unique life stories. Small, personal details such as how fast a person eats or how they respond to cold weather make a big difference in how we relate to each other, build empathy, and create a sense of unity. Meeting in person allowed our team members to reveal more of themselves naturally (especially the introverts among us, of which our team has many!) through both verbal and non-verbal cues. We learnt about one another’s unique hobbies and senses of humor – the kinds of things that already come up often during our virtual meetings but that can create lasting bonds when shared in person.
The retreat also offered the opportunity to experience cultural nuances that can be harder to appreciate online. While remote work allows us to learn a lot every day about one another’s cultures, spending time together physically allowed for even fuller exchanges of our cultural norms and values. There were moments where team members could better understand and appreciate each other’s backgrounds, from learning new cultural traditions to observing different approaches to problem-solving. A great example was our retreat menu, which featured dishes from our different cultures (including Nigerian jollof rice, Mongolian dumplings, Swiss cheese fondue, Kenyan chapati, and Panamanian coconut rice) and which we prepared together, enriching our knowledge of each other in the process.

Perhaps most pertinent was the invaluable opportunity to realign as a team around our shared goals and vision. Even the most cohesive remote teams can benefit from a retreat that recharges their energy and commitment to the organization’s mission. The retreat provided space for us to engage in meaningful discussions, brainstorm creatively, celebrate our accomplishments, and reimagine how to tackle challenges together. When everyone is in the same room, there's a palpable sense of anticipation and vibrancy that can sometimes be missing in virtual spaces. Physically present with one another, we discussed our organizational strategy and charted our course forward in a way that felt collective, energized, and well-rounded. As we head into the last couple of months of 2024, we are eager for the work we will undertake together next year.
Ultimately, there’s something undeniably powerful about being able to experience the same moment in the same place. Whether it’s a handshake, a hug, a karaoke song, or simply sitting next to someone, these physical gestures reinforce bonds in ways that can be difficult to replicate online. While technology has made teams such as ours possible, it has not replaced the innate human need for physical connection. Having returned to our different parts of the world refreshed by one another, we are grateful for the opportunity to come together physically to nurture relationships that make the work we do more meaningful and effective.
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