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Introducing the Flying Labs Network Council

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August 4th, 2024

Flying Labs council square

As the Flying Labs Network continues to grow and diversify, we have found it necessary to adapt our ways of collaboration, engagement, and governance to effectively meet the needs of our larger and more varied community. The first half of 2024 saw us engage in insightful co-creation sessions with Flying Labs coordinators to evolve and redesign the Network stewardship, incorporating changes that represent the next step in the growth of our model. Thus, we are pleased to celebrate the latest iteration in the structure and governance of our Network as the Flying Council evolves into the Flying Labs Network Council. 

The Flying Council as it was first conceived in 2020 had a very different and specific role and was composed of self-selected representatives from eight Flying Labs across different regions. It was formed to advise WeRobotics on its potential transition strategy. Over the past few years, the Flying Council has convened multiple times to develop strategies for such a transition, which have subsequently been reviewed by the larger Flying Labs Network. Through this work and the feedback of all members of the Network, it has become clear that there is a need to expand the Council as well as completely rethink its structure to be more representative and inclusive, in order to sufficiently serve the Network.

The launch of the Flying Labs Network Council, therefore, is a key part of our co-creation of a stronger, more inclusive, and more sustainable Network. Now taking co-ownership of the Network stewardship along with WeRobotics, the Flying Labs Network Council ensures that Flying Labs have a stronger voice in both Network governance and operations. This shift enables more direct influence and participation from Flying Labs in operational decision-making processes for the facilitation of the Network. In addition, Flying Labs Network Council members will further build out the connections between WeRobotics and Flying Labs, this through an even stronger regional perspective.

The structure as well as roles of this new Flying Labs Network Council are based on the outcomes of the co-creation sessions and will evolve over time as we learn together what other added value the Council can bring. For its launch, each of the five geographic regions is represented by one or two Council members, depending on the size (number of Flying Labs) of the region, amounting to the following nine initial: 

  • Asia/Pacific: Namrata Dhamnakar (India Flying Labs) and Khoo Hock Aun (Malaysia Flying Labs)
  • Latin America/Caribbean: Valrie Grant (Jamaica Flying Labs) and René Salomón Vargas (Bolivia Flying Labs) 
  • Western Africa (French-speaking): Alexis Kaboré (Burkina Faso Flying Labs) and Tiamiyou Radji (Senegal Flying Labs) 
  • Southern Africa: Virginie Uwimana (Namibia Flying Labs) and Jack Shilubana (South Africa Flying Labs)
  • Eastern Africa and English-speaking Western Africa: Adewale Adegoke (Nigeria Flying Labs)

By representing the interests of the Network in informed decision-making on key issues, the Flying Labs Network Council takes both an advisory and contributive role in the governance of the Flying Labs Network. This includes: 

  1. Contributions to Network strategy: It brings in the voices of the Network, serving as a connector and advocate for the needs of each region as we build the strategy for the growth and evolution of the Network. 
  2. Decision-making: It participates in decision-making on key matters, including applications for new Flying Labs and license renewals for existing Flying Labs.
  3. Network development: It advocates for not only the Flying Labs Network at large but also for Flying Labs at the regional level, supporting WeRobotics in staying informed on progress and needs within each region and channeling global opportunities to them.

As we embrace this evolution, the Flying Labs Network Council is all set to play a critical role in shaping the future of the Network. This shift offers an opportunity to ensure that the governance and stewardship of the Network remains effective and responsive to the evolving needs of our global community. Together, we are committed to continually co-creating a localization model that not only adapts to growth but thrives on it, as we work towards an even more sustainable and impactful Flying Labs Network.



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