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Drone Radio Show Podcast

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March 22nd, 2017


dronebeachWeRobotics cofounder Sonja Betschart was recently interviewed by Drone Radio Show for a podcast entitled “How Drones Are Helping To Save Sharks”. The show focuses on Sonja’s work during her past role on the board of directors of Drone Adventures. In 2015 Drone Adventures teamed up with Save Our Seas (whose CEO, Michael Scholl, is also interviewed for the podcast) to map shark ecosystems in the Seychelles using drones.

The interview delves into the details of mapping the sandy atolls that can be found in the Seychelles. Surface water reflection and uniform sandy beaches posed challenges to the aerial mapping, and overcoming them led to a number of lessons learned. The interview closes with future possibilities of how drones (and a focus on building local capacity) could aid shark conservation and marine research worldwide.

You can find the podcast on the Drone Radio Show website.


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