West African Flying Labs Perfecting Their Flying Skills
December 10th, 2018

During the last decade, innovations built around drones have shown promises in tackling some of the world most pressing challenges.
In Africa, drones are finding innovative applications in agriculture, healthcare, transportation, urban planning. This technology has the potential to solve some of the continent critical challenges while creating jobs for youth. WeRobotics, through its Flying Labs, create the ecosystem at the local level where communities of robotics enthusiasts share their knowledge, build their skills, identify and use robotics to address issues in their communities.
From October 17 to 19, 2018, Benin Flying Labs organized its first regional training in Cotonou. This training aimed at strengthening the capacity of Flying Labs in West Africa in the use of drones for mapping. Four countries from the West African region -- Ivory Coast, Ghana, Burkina Faso, and Benin -- attended this training.
The training focused on the fundamental of using drones safely and collecting and processing drones images for mapping. Specifically, the participants discussed aspects related to aerial photogrammetry, flight planning, choice of sensors, and identification of appropriate software for data processing.
Facilitated by Joseph Muhlhausen, head of Drone Data Systems at WeRobotics, the training was organized around fundamentals theoretical concepts with a strong practical component. Participants were able to apply the concepts learned directly in the field. They will replicate this training in their respective countries.
This training is the first of a series of trainings that will be offered by Benin Flying Labs. The Flying Labs will in return train students, faculty members at local universities, NGOs on the safe use of drones, translating its objective of popularizing the use of drones for social good.
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